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JSR is Awesome

The future of JS is looking bright ✨ Really cool to hear the thought process behind it too.

Media Chrome

Not only is this is such a cool project on its own (finally easy-to-style media controls!), but it’s a testament to how great native web components can be. I’ve not really dug into them very deep but seeing one that’s got some complexity to it and yet sophisticated and seamless…

W3C Workshop on Digital Publication Layout and Presentation

Came across this workshop from 2018 all about comics, typography and other publishing topics in browsers, super cool stuff. I couldn’t find any recordings but most of it is transcribed and has slides, for which I am very grateful, so I’m slowly working my way through them.

Honers vs. Innovators

I feel like I lean way more towards innovator. I find a lot more enjoyment over discovering new things instead of perfecting something over time. Not always of course (I also like to get into a state of flow, which generally happens if you practice something a lot) but most…

The Many Faces of Themeable Design Systems

There’s a ton of great stuff in here. I have been working on a project that essentially supports “multiple brands”, and this is super cool to see! It’s given me some ideas for what direction I’d like to move toward. The “three-tiered token architecture” is something I have already been…

Destiny’s Influence on Witchfire

I have always thought Destiny has the best gameplay/feel of any FPS I have played so far. I have seen this viewpoint shared at various times across the internet, but recently I was doing a search for games that have a similar feel to Destiny and stumbled across this…


From BEM to ITCSS to Tailwind I’ve seen varying methods of organizing CSS, but this is a pretty interesting read that takes some ideas from them all. I like Andy’s approach of giving some backstory about how he arrived at this and how it’s not necessarily a one-size-fits-all.