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Expand what you already have before you add something new.

Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic

I discovered this while going through Brandon Sanderson’s lectures on writing science fiction and fantasy, available freely on YouTube. He talks about how “bigger isn’t always better”; instead you can focus on fewer magic systems and add depth, allowing you to do more with less. I love this idea, especially thinking about design systems and software as well as magic systems in a fictional book.

Townscaper is really cool. I saw it during one of the E3 streams this past week and discovered it’s already available!

As basic as the current Overwatch Archives event is, I’m looking forward to Overwatch 2 more than ever after playing it again this year. Whether it’s playing on normal to get more comfortable on heroes I rarely play or figuring out a good team comp to consistently make it through expert, I’ve been playing a lot more this past week or so. The talent trees, new maps, and missions they’re working on makes me think the sequel will be the game I have been looking for with that mix of unique heroes, good variety of content, and polished gameplay.

Today I’m starting the journey to unlock the Skyscale

Destiny’s Influence on Witchfire


I have always thought Destiny has the best gameplay/feel of any FPS I have played so far. I have seen this viewpoint shared at various times across the internet, but recently I was doing a search for games that have a similar feel to Destiny and stumbled across this…



From BEM to ITCSS to Tailwind I’ve seen varying methods of organizing CSS, but this is a pretty interesting read that takes some ideas from them all. I like Andy’s approach of giving some backstory about how he arrived at this and how it’s not necessarily a one-size-fits-all.