Kurt Rank

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I can’t believe it took me so long to try out Scourge. I didn’t think I would like the shades but they are fun and the barrier is so strong. They have the perfect cooldown to be consistently re-positioning them throughout any encounter. If I’m not in a group, I go full minions with the shades and become a true one-necro-army.

Super Simple Local PHP Twig Setup

I am working on some twig stuff and needed a way to test out sharing components between projects, so I wanted to set up a quick PHP site that can use twig templates without messing with any frameworks or complicated server setups. It turns out that PHP already routes…

Cutting boards are the best plates:

  • one less dish to wash
  • use it as a hot pad for bowls of soup
  • plenty of room for other items
  • less fragile than traditional plates

After watching the excellent short film “The Backrooms”, I saw a comment where someone mentioned liminal spaces. I remembered hearing that term before, but had not ever looked into it. So I did some searching and found these great pieces on that term as well as the related “backrooms”:

The reason why we are fascinated with these images of vacant, abandoned, and eerie locations is that, for the most part, they represent the false promises of the modern era.

I think that might be same reason I have an interest in Vaporwave, the origins of which shared that idea of peeling back the veneer of the perfect portrayal of modern life that is so often promoted. As wide as Vaporwave is these days, some subgenres and offshoots do lean more towards trying to hold onto that comfortable view of the world rather than destroying it, which makes for a nice mix.

Expand what you already have before you add something new.

Sanderson’s Third Law of Magic

I discovered this while going through Brandon Sanderson’s lectures on writing science fiction and fantasy, available freely on YouTube. He talks about how “bigger isn’t always better”; instead you can focus on fewer magic systems and add depth, allowing you to do more with less. I love this idea, especially thinking about design systems and software as well as magic systems in a fictional book.

Townscaper is really cool. I saw it during one of the E3 streams this past week and discovered it’s already available!

Local Themes using CSS Custom Properties

This is an idea inspired by Expressive Design Systems, with some additional help from A Strategy Guide to CSS Custom Properties and Theming With Variables: Globals and Locals. The design system I work with is largely used for more content-heavy marketing sites, which provides some interesting challenges that…

Architects vs. Gardeners

Recently I watched a talk given by Chris Butcher at GDC2015 called Learning From the Core Engine Architecture of Destiny (Slides). In it he makes the same comparison of architects and gardeners and makes the argument that in the realm of systems as complex as modern game…

As basic as the current Overwatch Archives event is, I’m looking forward to Overwatch 2 more than ever after playing it again this year. Whether it’s playing on normal to get more comfortable on heroes I rarely play or figuring out a good team comp to consistently make it through expert, I’ve been playing a lot more this past week or so. The talent trees, new maps, and missions they’re working on makes me think the sequel will be the game I have been looking for with that mix of unique heroes, good variety of content, and polished gameplay.