Design Systems

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Design and Dev Workflow

Throughout my ever-present research into design systems, I have come across several writings about the divide between design and development. Continuing to iterate on an internal design system at work, I have been going back through some of these and this is a collection of the parts that stuck out…

Local Themes using CSS Custom Properties

This is an idea inspired by Expressive Design Systems, with some additional help from A Strategy Guide to CSS Custom Properties and Theming With Variables: Globals and Locals. The design system I work with is largely used for more content-heavy marketing sites, which provides some interesting challenges that…

Architects vs. Gardeners

Recently I watched a talk given by Chris Butcher at GDC2015 called Learning From the Core Engine Architecture of Destiny (Slides). In it he makes the same comparison of architects and gardeners and makes the argument that in the realm of systems as complex as modern game…