Destiny’s Influence on Witchfire


I have always thought Destiny has the best gameplay/feel of any FPS I have played so far. I have seen this viewpoint shared at various times across the internet, but recently I was doing a search for games that have a similar feel to Destiny and stumbled across this devblog by Adrian Chmielarz.

The way the weapons feel and the physics-based movement are, to me, the best in business. Some games come close, e.g. Battlefield and gunplay, or Apex and movement, but I still believe that Destiny has the most coherent and immersive first person shooting experience out of them all.

He goes into detail about some of the small stuff that Bungie does to create such a good experience, and how they are incorporating some of those elements into Witchfire.

There’s thousands of small, tiny, almost invisible design solutions in that series that make its gunplay the way it is, and it’d be silly for us to try to re-invent that wheel.

He does point out that they are not just making a “Destiny, just in dark fantasy skin”, which is cool. I’m excited to see the end result. I wouldn’t mind if more FPS games borrowed some of these details that Destiny gets right.